Monday, November 29, 2010

#43: On the Road Again

I never want to get on the road again. Our drive home yesterday was smooth sailing for the first half (distance wise, not time-wise). The second half was horrendous. Bumper to bumper traffic. I decided to drive the whole time so J could rest up for his drive back from my house to Richmond. He did this instead:

Gotta love him.

We only made two stops during our 8 hour drive (thank you to my bladder for not making us stop more). We stopped at the first rest area in Virginia from the North Carolina side of 85N, and then we stopped at a gas station somewhere in the middle of nowhere Virginia. Both breaks were less than five minutes, and boy did we feel it when we made it back to my house. We both felt like old people!

I mentioned the Young House Love road trip in an earlier post. We decided to do our version of the hour photos on our way home. Here they are: all 8 of them.
Happy to be on the way home

A little 'tude

kinda tired of driving already

showing off the bling

nanny nanny poo poo

still far from home

stuck in traffic (see brake lights)

dark and still not home
J left almost immediately after we made it back to my house. He stopped by his parents house to drop stuff off, then got back on the road to Richmond, arriving around 9:30pm. Such a long day. I don't know when I'll see him again. He won't be home til Christmas break, and even then, it might not be until the 22nd or 23rd, if not Christmas Eve. I can't visit him between now and then because I've got my weekends booked and he's going to be super busy with end of semester projects and commissions he's got lined up. The good thing is that this is the LAST December we will be spending apart. Thank God.

Stay tuned for posts later this week: engagement pictures, case study and some wedding updates!


  1. Hahahahaha. I could watch that video all day.
    That's seriously too funny.
    Love the pictures! Can't wait for more poooosssts!

    Wish you were able to see Josh sooner than before Christmas Eve :(
    But I hope it goes really fast!

  2. ......I hate that it does that. I spend time writing up my name and information, and then it posts me as ANONYMOUS!! WHAT GIVES!!

  3. Haha I was wondering who Anonymous was! I've watched that video at least a dozen times and I crack up every single time! He ended the video because I asked him what he was doing and he was about to start laughing :)

  4. Watching the video all I can say is, are you SURE you are up for that the rest of your life???! :)

  5. Oh, absolutely Beth! I am so ready for it :)
