Tuesday, November 23, 2010

#37: Sneaker Peeker, Part 1

On Sunday, one of my best friends and seriously talented photographers, Jewel Peach (check out her professional facebook here: http://www.facebook.com/jewelpeachphotography ), and I headed down to Richmond to do an engagement photo shoot. You can see our first shoot here. Why a second one, you may ask. Jewel and I felt that although the photos are gorgeous, they didn't reflect who J and I are as a couple.  I also looked at them and thought "what the heck am I wearing?" I went with such a boring color palette and unflattering fit that didn't photograph like I imagined it would (no fault to Jewel, I seriously screwed up that one). So we planned a take two.

We started at Chipotle. Naturally. We filled up on yummy food and my food baby was happy, but not fully protruding (these aren't maternity shots, ya know) and then headed up (down? man I get so lost in Richmond) to a beautiful place called Belle Isle. It's right on the James River and there's even a foot bridge from one side of it to the other. Simply breathtaking, I tell you. Tears formed in my eyes at the sight of it. Ok, quite the opposite. We laughed the entire time we were there! J and Jewel were all over the place, saying "let's go over here" and "oooo, that would look so cool!!" and I'm saying, "Is there even a path over there?" and "I'm not going to get poison ivy, am I?" Such a scaredy cat. We even hopped around on the huge rocks IN the river. No lie. And here is today's sneak peek to prove it:

Part 2, including a wardrobe change, coming tomorrow! Stay tuned :)

1 comment:

  1. So glad you liked Belle Isle! It's one of my favorite spots in Richmond, just haven't been there in a really long time. Can't wait to see the pics!
