Saturday, November 6, 2010

#20: One More Hour

In honor of "fall back" tonight, I'd like to give you 10 things I could do with an extra hour:

1. Sleep
2. Pre-write a blog post so it can actually be posted at a decent hour  (psshhh, it'll never happen)
3. Catch up on one of my shows
4. Paint my nails
5. Vacuum my room
6. Have a dance party
7. Do a power hour
8. Read my Real Simple magazine
9. Go through my clothes and make a donation pile
10. Organize and write down what I've gotten everyone for Christmas so far

I do have to say, I came up with quite a few genius ideas (#7 is not one of them).  Since I have more than one hour before I'm heading to bed, I'll probably do a combo of 4, 6, 9 and 10.

Serious question: do YOU have dance parties by yourself? Don't be ashamed.

***EDIT: What I actually did tonight:

1. Changed into my yoga pants (don't let that statement fool you into thinking I do yoga. It just sounds cooler than "these cool pants that you're supposed to exercise in, but I just wear them because the waistband doesn't create a muffin top")
2. Caught up on Private Practice (see #3 above)
3. Ate a piece of dutch apple pie (pretty sure my sister-in-law wasn't planning on eating the whole pie herself. you're welcome)
4. Had hot chocolate in my thermos because I couldn't find a mug big enough to house two packets of Swiss Miss with marshamallows. I always use two packets. (Hence why the box I bought last Saturday night is now gone)
5. Blog stalked other people, including (Warning: If you click on that link, you will instantly become self-conscious of your every day outfits and lack of style, even if you think you're stylish)
6. Killed a bug (ok, that was before I posted the original tonight...but I'm really proud of killing one of those jumping crickets. Too bad I had to use my Washingtonian Bride&Groom Magazine. Little bugger never saw the Tiffany's ad coming)
7. Instead of a dance party, I actually did karaoke with Jason Aldean (his new CD is uh-may-zing)
8. Day(night?)dreamt about this chair I sat in at Pottery Barn today. I felt like I died and went to heaven when I sat in it. Then wondered if it's a sign that I got a 10% coupon from Pottery Barn in the mail when I got home...
9. Did some online Christmas shopping

1 comment:

  1. I have TONS of dance parties by myself. I love you :)
