Thursday, November 11, 2010

#25: Bridal Magazines Anyone?

If I had a nickel for every bridal magazine I currently own, I'd have...about a buck. Yay for being rich!

I have so many bridal magazines.  Most of them are Brides magazine. I went to a bridal show back in January and as a bride, I had to register in order to enter the bazaar (or should I say bizarre? But that's another story altogether).  Included in my registry was a years' subscription to Brides magazine.  I didn't realize this until I had received my fourth magazine and it finally dawned on me where they came from (there goes my generous family/friend idea).

I usually spend about 45 minutes going through each magazine and then I close it up. I always find good ideas, but I never thought to rip the pages out and just throw away the rest.  Instead, they sit in a pile on my desk (good thing I have a big desk, otherwise they'd take over!!).  That is, until today. I decided to go through my stack and downsize a little.

After three hours, this is what I got rid of:
 (Excuse the ugly carpet and the 1/100th of my shoe collection showing)

And this is what I decided to keep (it's the collector's edition!!):

I have about 30 pages ripped out, including good dance music, bouquets, gift ideas,  skin and beauty regimens and good ways to relax.

Oh, and the gratuitous wedding gown picture (yes, I know I already have mine, and no, there's no buyer's remorse here):

Gorgeous!! And here's my favorite hairstyle (Ash, you think you can handle this one?):

Have you been trying to purge things you don't need anymore? Does anyone else have the urge to de-clutter and reorganize like me? Do you like my chosen hairstyle? :)


  1. I love your hairstyle, Erin! hehe. ;)

    I love the idea of taking out pages from the bridal magazines of only the things you're interested in for your wedding :) Especially since it does create less clutter as you could probably just put all of the items into a binder or a folder :)

  2. Haha i refuse to do that hairstyle on you! I am no longer your stylist ;)
