Tuesday, February 22, 2011

#127: Sicky

I woke up very early this morning (like, it was barely this morning) with a really, really sore throat! I had a hard time getting back to sleep. Then I heard my dad scraping the snow/ice (yes, it was just 70 degrees last Friday) off his car at 4am so he could make his 6am flight, only to come back tonight at 10pm. The things that man does for his job...

So anyways, I'm pretty sure I only logged about two to three good hours of sleep last night. Which doesn't help when you're coming down with something (and babysitting a VERY energetic two-year-old for six hours before you go to work for seven-plus). I've got the head congestion, sinus congestion, runny nose, sore throat, earache, headache and overall feeling of lethargy.

I wish I felt better and wasn't so grumpy today. The past five or so days have been wonderful: no grumpyness, no fatigue, no headaches, only mild back/neck pain and overall just good days. Today, however, was not. By the time 3pm rolled around (mind you, I only go into work at noon), I told my boss I was pretty much done for the day. Everyone was irritating me, the phone ringing was irritating me and I just wanted to crawl into bed and sleep forever.

And that's my plan. I'm about to hop in the shower, and hopefully it will relieve some of the back tension/pain I acquired upon sneezing this afternoon. Lovely, I tell you. Then it's into bed to look over some of J's recent writing and see how he can change it to make it better (although he sent me a copy of his mom's rewrite and it's looking pretty darn good, just from skimming it!) and then it's a shot of Nyquil and off to bed.

Here's hoping my earlier margarita (it IS National Margarita Day, after all) and the Nyquil will send me into la-la land and a very deep sleep!


  1. I hope you are feeling better! The stuff going around has been so nasty. Are you coming down this weekend?

  2. I am feeling MUCH better today! Got some sleep last night. And yes, I'm coming this weekend :) See you then!
