Monday, February 21, 2011

#126: Mondays

As I write this, I'm lying in bed. Everyone in my house is either asleep or about to be asleep (including myself). It was such a long day for all of us! My mom is across the country right now. She flew out to Coolidge, Arizona for my great Aunt Mazie's 80th surprise birthday party! She then drove my grandma and aunt back to my grandma's house in Pahrump, Nevada (about an hour outside Las Vegas). I've missed my mom so much and she's only been gone for a week! Thank goodness she comes back tomorrow night :))

So anyways, on to our long day! I woke up early this morning to take my sister in law to get her wisdom teeth (and a 5th tooth) pulled. It was fairly quick and the doctor said it went well, so I'm grateful for that! I know if my mom had been home, she would have taken Megan herself, so I wanted to give Megan the same care my mom would have! I got her home and settled onto the couch, remote in hand. I started her on her ice regimen and also gave her some pain medicine that I hoped was enough until my brother could get her prescription filled. I also wrote down instructions for my dad and brother, who were home and taking care of both Megan and the two boys. I made a shopping list of all the things that Mike needed to pick up at the store in addition to the prescriptions. Then I was off to work!

My boss was out of town for the long weekend, so today was imperative to getting caught up on things without the distraction of other people in the office. Thankfully for me, the phone ringing didn't interrupt my progress too much. I managed to get my to-do pile to a manageable size and I also made some headway on a patient's insurance file that has been giving me a headache for months. This file alone makes me never want to work in healthcare again!!

After work, I stopped by the grocery store to pick up some things for dinner. Let me tell you, it is SO hard for me to plan meals! I finally settled on sweet italian sausages in potato rolls with sauteed onions and green peppers. I also made a pasta salad to go with them.

So, here I was, just minding my own business, cooking dinner, when the power goes out! What the heck?!?! It flickered a few times but wouldn't come back on. We were all disappointed because dinner was smelling SO good, but the sausages were still to raw for us to eat and the residual heat in the pan wasn't enough to finish the cooking process.

Dad to the rescue! He had a genius plan to fire up the grill outside. Mind you, it was raining and pretty chilly outside, but my dad was so determined to eat the dinner I had planned that he stood out in the rain, in the dark, grilling up the sausages. What a hero!

When we were all heading back for seconds, the power came back on! I was able to reheat the peppers and onions and microwave some mashed potatoes for Megan, who wasn't able to enjoy the same dinner as us (I told her she wasn't missing anything good, but I totally lied)!

After dinner, we settled in to watch The Bachelor. Such a bad habit! Only a few more weeks to go and them I'll have my Monday nights free again :))

So that was my busy Monday, what was yours like? Did you get the day off from work?

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