Wednesday, January 5, 2011

#74: New Years' Resolutions

I don't typically do resolutions because, quite frankly, they never come to fruition. Plainly stated, I can never keep them up. Last year, I swore I would never drink another soda. I ended up making good on that...only until March though. So this year, I thought I'd make a list of all the things I'd like to accomplish in 2011, instead of setting one never-gonna-happen goal...This list is separate than the wedding list I have 171 days to complete. Luckily, there's only 148 things on it. Easy peezy. So here are 20 non-wedding-related goals for 2011:

1. Get in shape.  I'm not trying to lose weight, but I would definitely like to tone up. I'm planning on doing Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred. Hopefully buying it and trying it out tomorrow.
2. Cherish the time I have left at home with my family. There's been eight of us living in the house for awhile and I have a strange feeling I might actually miss the chaos when it's just J and I living together.
3. Drink more water. Enough said.
4. Get outside more.  This might have to wait until March-ish. I like to take walks around the block in the summer time, but I'd like to be even more active this year. Maybe some bike riding and/or hiking...yes, I said hiking. Don't have a heart attack.
5. Eat less cookies and processed foods.
6. Get more sleep.  This means putting down Angry Birds/turning off Millionaire Matchmaker and going to bed earlier. Just kidding, that was only last night. I usually have trouble shutting my mind and my to-do list off, so I need to start trying to do that earlier so I'm relaxed before I go to bed.
7. Clean more often and on a regular schedule. I'd like to have a certain day set aside each week to clean the bathrooms, wash sheets and towels and vacuum. The sooner I get into a habit, the easier it will be to keep it up.
8. Learn how to sew. I have a pile of clothes that need to be fixed/altered/hemmed and at least five pillows to make for our apartment.
9. Learn how to relax...preferably before our eight day trip to Cancun!
10. Find a new job in Richmond. This is kind of a big one...
11. Learn how to navigate one way streets in a big city. I always get turned around in Richmond! So aggravating.
12. Pay off my car loan.  The current balance is under $3000 now! If I pay it off this year, I will have paid it off in 3 years, which is not too shabby for a 5 year loan...
13. Plan our June 2012 trip to San Diego!!!!  I cannot WAIT to get J out to the west coast for the first time!
14. Listen better...especially when J is talking...
15. Pack up every single thing I own and move two hours away. Sounds easy enough right?
16. Get hitched. Woot.
17. Make new friends in Richmond. I have a couple already, thanks to J having married friends :)
18. Become more active in church. I've only been to our church in Richmond a couple of times, but I love it and can't wait to get involved. 
19. Learn how to cook more than just Mac and cheese, or spaghetti, or heating up something out of a bag...
20. Successfully entertain friends in our apartment for the weekend and not just for dinner.

Did you make a New Years' resolution? Or are you like me? Did you set a couple of goals instead?


  1. I love all of them E!!! i want to do the Jillian Michaels work out too! You inspire me on quite a few of these. and you not cooking...pshhh you make thee best no bake cookies....chicken salad...and im sure theres a lot more LOVE YOU!!!

  2. Alteration to #17: "Make new friends in Richmond. I have a couple already, thanks to J PUTTING UP WITH LIVING IN A SMALL HOUSE WITH THE MELTON'S FOR 3 YEARS and having married friends!" We loved you before ANY of those married friends did! :)

  3. Ash, let's do it together! Or at least keep each other accountable!

    Beth, you are SOOOOO right :) But you guys are more family anyways!

  4. #1: You could always join your FSIL, FMIL and FN on our daily 2 mile walks around Potomac Mills. J and I used to do it after dropping his sister off at school and before he had to be in school. We have a great time--and we're usually done by 10 or 10:30 (we start between 9 and 9:30). We'd love for you to come!

  5. Mama G: You know I'd love to! But I have little monster pretty much every morning and little bugger doesn't usually wake up until 9:30 most mornings! I think Jillian will kick my butt :)

  6. I live in Richmond, well, close enough! We can be friends again, like in middle school when we were friends and did silly things like convince your brother that I had a twin..please tell me that you remember that or I'm going to feel ridiculous, I have a good memory!

  7. haha Emily, that sounds vaguely familiar...or at least it sounds like something we would do!! :) I would LOVE to get together with you once I'm down there! Chesterfield isn't too far away!
