Saturday, January 1, 2011

#70: Christmas Recap

I'm back folks! The break away from blogging was much-needed. And now I'm back with lots of life updates and wedding updates!

We had a wonderful Christmas last Saturday! We started off the day at 8:45am with Little Monster banging on all the door with a plastic spoon. I thought he was going to take down my door with that spoon!!

We opened our stockings and then started on presents. We go around one at a time and open one present at a time (the little ones were continuously opening presents to keep them busy and happy and they were STILL opening them after we were done...). It usually takes a couple hours, but it's nice to see what everyone got! We took an intermission when our breakfast was done in the oven.

Let me tell you about Christmas breakfast at our's amazing. We've had the same breakfast for 18 years and counting. We refuse to eat anything else on Christmas morning. I'd tell you what it is, but then I'd have to kill you.


Ok, only slightly kidding. Just a chopped limb, that's all! But for reals, this breakfast deserves the honor and glory of its own post. So watch for it in the coming week!

After we finished breakfast and presents at my house, we headed over to J's parent's house. They have a different tradition, so they opened all their presents on Christmas Eve! The only ones that were left were from them to me and from J and me to them. That sentence looks completely wrong, grammatically speaking, but you get what I'm saying, right? Ok, good.

We were only at my FIL (back to that good old Knottie lingo...FIL means "Future In-Laws") for a couple hours, and then we were back on the road. We headed back to my house to meet up with my family to make the drive up to Baltimore. My dad's parents live there and we've always gone up to their house for Christmas dinner. It's a crowded place with all the cousins, significant others and this year, four toddlers under the age of three!! But it was so much fun!

J and I have absolutely NO clue what we're going to do next year, because this is the fourth (and last) year we've spent Christmas Eve apart from each other. Both of our families do a big dinner on Christmas Eve and then we go to church. Maybe we'll start our own tradition next year :)

What are your family traditions? Do you have a special meal every Christmas? How do you open presents?


  1. Hi! Welcome back! I am so glad you took some time off, but I've missed you! :)
    We always have Pillsbury orange rolls on Christmas morning. We've done that since I was about 8. That's 40 years! We are not allowed to eat them at any other time of year.
    We open gifts one at a time too...

  2. the holidays, and growing up are all about changes...Our holiday season is a lot of parkway driving. J and P do CE at the Rowley's, and i go there for desserts. We all drive back here (they spend the night) and i wake them up at roughly 7:30-8 to open presents! Dad makes Churros and Chocolat (Spanish version of hot chocolate...way more chocolately!) and we all sit around in a circle and open presents one at a time. Dad cooks ALL day while J, P, Maddog, Deucer and I sleep in the living room and we wake up and shower before we eat.
    This is a new-ish tradition for us (only been about 4 years) and each year it changes a bit. Usually we go get gram and bring her over for dinner but this year, our tradition changed and instead, we ate and then went to grams for her to open presents.
    Another tradition dates back to the days we went to NJ for x-mas and as we used to be close to NYC, after dinner we would go to Rockafeller Center to see the tree and now we go down to DC to see the National Tree!

    I must say, its been hard to see the traditions change... i remember the first time mom said we wouldn't go to new jersey... i was 20 and cried like a baby! I love our new traditions though and next year i know you will too! :)
