Friday, April 29, 2011

#192: Royally Yours

I didn't post last night because I went to bed early in preparation for the 4:30am wake up call to watch the Royal Wedding!

Now, let me tell you. 4:30 is not a very pretty hour. I schlumped from my bed, grabbed my blanket and pillow and walked next door to the guest room (I don't have a tv in my room).

I've noticed on facebook today that there is quite a mixture of different thoughts and feelings on the royals and the royal wedding as a whole. I don't really understand the hating, because I doubt anybody who posted mean things about them has ever met them.

Let me tell you why I sacrificed sleep and have been enthralled with this wedding:

1. Prince William and (now Princess/Duchess/Baroness) Kate have shown themselves to be upstanding and responsible adults. They met in college and both continued on to get their masters degrees. That shows dedication and perserverance (although I did find out William wanted to drop out and Kate encouraged him to stay with it. Extra kudos to her (and him) for that!)
2. They really truly look like a couple in love. Watching the ceremony this morning, after William first saw Kate in her dress (he faced the front of the Abbey the whole time she was walking down the aisle, while Prince Harry stole some glances behind his back), he whispered to her, "you look beautiful" and kept stealing glances and smiling. My heart melted. When she was getting into the carriage after the ceremony, Kate exclaimed, "I am so happy!" and I bet she was!
3. This whole thing is a fairytale come true! A commoner meeting a Prince at school, an eight year love affair and then you marry the guy you love and become a Princess? It's every girl's dream! The romantic in me just can't deny how amazing and magical this whole scenario is.

I'm sure I'll be writing more about the wedding later, but that's my two cents for now!

Photo courtesy of

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