Wednesday, April 20, 2011

#184: BFFs

I spent the evening with one of my longest friends, also named Erin. She and I have been friends for...well, as long as I can remember. I remember we became really close in ninth grade because we sat next to each other in English/History. And we've been friends ever since!

She has the most adorable kiddos ever! I got to hold and cuddle her youngest, A, tonight for a few hours. I love holding babies. Something about them is so pure and simple and therapeutic. But I can definitely wait for my own.

Erin is such a good mom. I enjoy watching her interact with her kids and I love seeing how much joy she gets out of being their mom. Her middle kiddo, D, is such a flirt. He was smiling at me the second I walked in the door. And ok, I definitely flirted back. With those cheeks, who can resist? And her oldest, P, said he didn't want to be my friend when I asked him. So there goes that. But he's still a cutie!

So here's the hard part: Erin is moving ALL the way to Texas. This Saturday. As in, three days from now. I am going to miss her like crazy. I'll miss our down to earth chats and I'll miss just sitting around doing nothing and have the best time doing it!

Thank God for the iPhone 4, because we will definitely be doing a lot of FaceTime chatting in the future! I can't wait to watch the kids grow up and see how awesome and hilarious they're going to be.

Erin, I can't wait to see what God has in store for you and your family. You are going to be great in Texas! I am so happy you get to be reunited with your husband after all these months and I will be praying for you guys! I love you :)

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