Sunday, April 24, 2011

#188: Happy Easter!

I hope you all have a wonderful Easter with your family! Here's a little Easter-themed baking project for you.

My mom made these to take up to our family Easter dinner in Maryland. Love how they turned out! And they were delicious too, which is always a plus!

Step 1: Dye coconut. My mom just mixed some coconut with green food coloring. The coconut itself is pretty moist, so there's no need to add anything but the food coloring. We actually left it out all day to dry and blotted it with a few paper towels every couple hours and made sure there was no color transfer, which would tell us it was still too wet to work with. 

Step 2: Bake cupcakes! Mom decided to use German chocolate cake since it's one of her favorites.
Step 3: Make your frosting. Mom used my grandma's recipe for frosting, but you can really use any frosting you like. Add a few drops of green food coloring to this as well.

Step 4: Decorate the cupcakes with the green frosting, add some coconut and then add a chocolate candy covered egg or two on top!

How cute are these?!

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