Wednesday, April 13, 2011

#176: Sticking My Head in a Bucket

I really hope that my clever title got your attention. Because this post is going to be muy interesante (that's "very interesting" for all you non-Spanglish speakers). As I write this, I have wet fingernails. However, I want to eat popcorn. You can deduce from my title how I am satisfying my hunger while drying my nails. Bam.

Ok, so I'm not sure how interesting this post it going to be after that introduction.

I have so much to tell you about what's been going on. I was going to try to split each thing into its own separate post, but I think it would take me ten days to tell you what's happened in the last five. And by the time I got to post five, you would probably be thinking "okay, so this was ten days ago?" And ya'll know I like to keep things relevant and up-to-date.

So here's what's been going down in my town.
 This is what my basement looked like post-sister moving out. TV on the floor and NO floorspace for my workouts.
 Lots and lots of boxes!
 Got the TV up on a table and started to stack up boxes underneath it. Two reasons: I didn't want to waste space, and I didn't want the TV to fall very far if the table gave out (it's not exactly the sturdiest table). Check and check.
Finished product! Lots more room to move around now. And my boxes aren't laying out in the open to get stepped on or kicked. Which is good, because they're full of antique glassware. 
 I took this last photo of my Steve Nash Wheaties box. Yes. I said last. Meaning I threw him out. It was time. We had a lot of good years together, but sometimes relationships don't work out. J will be happy about this recent breakup.

Ok, tears sopped up. Let's move on. 
Bridal shower invites went out! Two of my awesome in-town bridesmaids (the other four live out of town, two of them being in states very far away (sad face)) came over and helped my mom and I assemble the invitations. My mom addressed them with her amazing handwriting and I stamped them and put the return address label on them. I love how they turned out. When I can get my hands on one again, I'll snap a picture for you!

Helloooooo Facetime! J got an iPhone last week and we are LOVING facetime. Such a marvelous invention. 

And in other iPhone news, I actually WON a few games of Words with Friends. Surprising. 

Oh, and here's a big change. I got bangs! My fabulous stylist friend Ashley indulged my whims and gave me some super cute bangs last night! I'm still getting used to them, but I am loving them. Can't wait until the sides grow out a little bit (they were short to begin with because I had trim my sideswept bangs a little too short).
Last night, right after getting them cut. Not styled here.
 Right after I did my hair this morning. Bangs are a little too poofy at this point.
End of the day. Much, much more relaxed. Loving them!

What do YOU think?
What's been new with you?


  1. Wow. Love the bangs! Can't wait to see what you do with them on the big day!

  2. Your bangs turned out amazing!!! Def looks better styled!! (;

  3. OMG!! U beat ur mom AND ME???

  4. You sort of look like Catie Wayne aka Boxxy.
