Saturday, May 14, 2011

#206: The System is Down

Did anybody get my Strong Bad reference in my title? Well it means two things:

1. Blogger system was down Wednesday
2. Today you will get to encounter Strong Bad/ Teen Girl Squad

Lucky you. I decided to get away from wedding planning for this post because frankly, that's what I'd like to do at this point. I'm ready to be done. And be married. And be in Mexico. Sipping some kind of rum drink (sorry, dad, but it's true). In a bikini. Next to my husband.

J and I facetimed on our iPhones the other night and we traded Teen Girl Squad quotes back and forth for a good three minutes. I love that man. I was cracking up. So now I share it with you. Enjoy.

Teen Girl Squad Favorite #1 (I'm totally crushing...CHILDREN!)
Teen Girl Squad Favorite #2 (my blood hurts)
Teen Girl Squad Favorite #3 (You made Brett Bretterson up in 1st grade. He's not real//grood. great and good.)

You're welcome.


  1. I am practicing restraint and not clicking on those links. I love strong bad and I know that once I click on one of those links, an hour of my morning will be

  2. Just do it!! I practice restraint while on the site and only lost half an hour of my life!
