Wednesday, May 11, 2011

#205: Lancaster Recap

Alright, finally. Here's the recap of my weekend in Lancaster with my mom.

Mom and I left Friday night to avoid having to get up at 6am to get on the road on Saturday morning.

This is what it looked like on our drive up:
Yeah, not so pretty.

We made it to our destination (about 75 minutes outside Lancaster) around 10pm and went to Ruby Tuesday's next door to the hotel for a late dinner. Then we went to our room and got to work on wedding projects.

This was mine:
And this was mom's:
I stamped a white "g" on 300+ squares of green textured paper. And mom painted a large canvas to be used somewhere for our wedding (like I would tell you where!). We made good progress.

The next day we got up early (and by "got up" I mean mom pulled the hotel curtains wide open at 8am...ugh) and made our way to Lancaster. We decided to hit up some of our favorite antique stores. I was on the hunt for something, but I didn't know what it was. I was sure it would hit me in the face when I saw it.

I came across these gems:

Gorgeous, right? Oh, and yes, that's a liquor dispenser. I wanted to buy it so badly, but luckily, the $50 price tag talked me out of it. It literally said, "Do not buy me." And that was that.

Mom and I went back to the hotel in the middle of the day, walked around the outside parking lot for some exercise and discussed different aspects of the wedding and wrote stuff down. It was very productive for mom to find out my thoughts on certain things (like how much I hate columns) and it was interesting for me to realize there were tons of little details I hadn't even thought about yet (like where the wedding party would go after the ceremony was over).

We had an early dinner at Good N Plenty which was amazing and delicious as always. I actually had trouble finishing my meal, which might be hard to believe because it looked like this:

Moving right along. We went to the floral warehouse that was our original purpose for this trip. And were we ever disappointed. We literally walked out of there with no flowers. We bought some ribbon, some paper, and I bought two vases just to have (for when J brings me home flowers for no reason).  Bummer.

Sunday, mom let me sleep in until 8:30 (how nice of her) and we headed to Waffle House for Mother's Day breakfast. Mom received a pink rose when she walked in, which I thought was really sweet.

Isn't she beautiful? She'll probably kill me for putting her picture online, but I think it needs to be seen. (Oh, and I want to be buried in my wedding dress, just so you know).
We moseyed around antique stores for the rest of the day and I had such a good time looking around:
 Aaaah treasures
 Love the collections of colored glass!
 My great grandma had a tree like this and now my dad has it. Me and my siblings are preparing to fight each other for it.
A class of 2004 Coke bottle. I wanted to buy it, but I could see J asking "why?!?" so I didn't. 

We got on the road back home around 3:30 and I was so sad to leave these views behind:

I was ready to get home and get stuff done around the house, but I wanted to take the rolling green fields and buggies with me.

Engagement: 495 days down, 45 days to go!!


  1. New follower here! I love your idea of a post a day until your wedding. You will love looking back on it later. I hope you continue posting once you are married. Not too much longer now!

  2. Hi Whitney! Welcome to my blog. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I've enjoyed writing it!
