Saturday, March 12, 2011

#145: Christmas in...March?

Today my parents and sister headed off to our storage unit to get all of my sister's things out so she can pack them up for when she moves at the end of the month. I stayed home with Little Monster so they could get everything packed into the cars quickly.

They were able to get everything home in one trip with their two cars. And they also had a few boxes for me. I was SO sure that there was only one box of books in there, that I was shocked when they said they brought home FOUR boxes of my stuff. Ugh.

I spent about an hour sifting through everything and managed to get three bins of old college notebooks and all of my books down to two. Not bad.

It was quite a walk down memory lane. Seeing all my old notes and tests (and some really bad grades), I wondered how I only received two Cs in my whole college career.

I also found a couple of things from high school (including all four of my yearbooks!). I was in a program called Teacher Cadet, which is kind of an orientation into the teaching profession. It was a year long class. The first two quarters consisted of us learning about different learning styles and how to compose lesson plans. Then we headed into classrooms to implement all we had learned. I was placed into a first and second grade combo class (which I was in when I was in first grade and then subsequently skipped second grade altogether) during the third quarter. I ended up liking that age range so much that I stayed there for fourth quarter as well, even though I was able to move around to other grades. Today I found all the cards the kids made and gave to me on my last day with them.

And then I found this guy...
You really shouldn't be shocked about this find. Of COURSE I own the Wheaties Box with Steve Nash on the front. Of course. (Oh, and FYI, he didn't hit the chopping block. I'm going to hold onto him as long as J will let me...which I have a feeling won't be long.)

I had help during this whole process...more or less...

And then there was the box of stuffed animals and dolls...I only ended up getting rid of the beanie babies (does anybody still have any of those?!) and kept all the dolls I've had as long as I can remember. Never getting rid of those.

I also got to shop in my mom's home office. It is the antiques warehouse of the world! She's got so much good stuff. And she was gracious enough to give a lot of it to my sister and I today. I'll post a little about that tomorrow :)

Today was a productive day overall, but there is MUCH more to be done tomorrow. And then I have to figure out how to pack all this stuff...

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