Friday, December 10, 2010

#54: Groom Things

While reading my January issue of Brides magazine the other night, I came across a little box titled, "10 Secrets He'll Never Tell You." I thought some of them were very fitting, while others missed the mark for J and I. You figure out which is which (ok, I might give you hints!)

1. He wants to register for one item on his own, even if he never uses it. (J and I actually registered for everything together, even the online stuff we picked out. He has amazing (and expensive) taste when it comes to appliances. But I let him pick out quite a bit!)

2. He cares about the music so much, he'll pay the DJ a bonus not to play "Celebration!" (In our case it would be no "Benny and the Jets" (see here about how much I love that one), no country, and no Ke$ha (um, yes she has a dollar sign instead of an "s"), Justin Bieber, or Lady Gaga (I'll fight on that one though)).

3. He has inexplicably developed a sixth sense: When the phone rings, he knows it's your mom. He'll start answering the phone again after the wedding. (Doesn't really apply to us!)

4. He worries he won't look half as good in his tux as the little man on the cake does. (Even if there were to be a little man on top of my cake, J would look 508348390824 times as good.)

5. He liked taking dancing lessons but wishes they'd included the funky chicken. (Heck, I would wish they'd include the funky chicken!)

6. He will be nervous about his hair and may reach for the mousse. Don't let him. (I don't know if J has used a product one in his hair since he chopped it all off in May 2008.)

7. He wants you to take his name, no matter what he says. Unless your name is Springsteen, in which case he'll take yours. (I joke with J all the time about how I'm just going to keep my name because it'll be a lot easier and I won't have to learn how to write a "G" in cursive. But I'm actually really excited to take his last name, and I think he is too!)

8. He never wants to know which friend gave which gift at your lingerie shower. (I've heard from several sources that this is SO true.)

9. He doesn't want to write his own vows. He really likes the ones in the book. (We talked about vows way, way back and I think we agreed to do traditional vows. Neither of us are super creative in our writing (I mean, minus my AMAZING writing here!) and I'll probably break down and cry and won't even be able to read my own writing, so it's probably just better if I repeat something after someone else. Just saying.)

10. He's as excited about the wedding as you are. Seriously. (Oh, yes, I know this to be a fact.)

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