Wednesday, December 8, 2010

#52: Sweet Sixteen

Tonight my dad and I hung out on the couch, watching NCIS and cracking up at Gibbs and Dinozzo and Abby and Ziva and McGee. We seriously heart NCIS.

Midway into our third episode of the night, I remembered that the little light on my dash went off yesterday, signaling that my tires are low on air. Of course. Darn cold air. My dad is my go-to tire-air-filler. It's just our thing. So off we went, into the cold (which my dad said was not cold, "It was colder when I put up Christmas lights the other night." Yes, my dad puts up Christmas lights in the dark. It's another one of our things. But I digress...) to fill up my tires.  We take the caps off, they go in my pocket, then my dad pulls out the whole cord and gets in position. I put the four quarters in the machine and then take my mark. I hold the cord out (it likes to reel itself back in rather violently) and then lean in with my iPhone. Why, you might ask. Because on one side of my car, it was pitch black and dad couldn't see the gauge. So, because there's an app for everything, I pulled out my iPhone and turned on my LED flashlight app. Darkness: 0, iPhone: 1. We got those puppies filled up in no time, and then I made my dad listen to Mariah Carey's new Christmas song, "Oh Santa!" which he deemed "whiny and two thumbs down" (he literally did two thumbs down). I do like it, but this is my all-time favorite Christmas song:

We then headed off to McDonald's for a soda and a sweet tea (I'll let you guess which one was mine) and on the way home we got to talking. My dad has been telling me for quite awhile that he doesn't know how J and I aren't going crazy yet because we're not married. Yes, we've been together for three and a half years, and yes we'd like to be married right now, but what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger, right? We really wanted to set a solid foundation, especially financially, for our marriage. So we wait. (And wait and wait...)

Anyways, my dad starts telling me about multiple people (including some family) that got married at 16 (or younger in one case...) and they're all still together. I always told my parents I wanted to get married no earlier than 28. Well, guess what. I'm 23 now and I'll still be 23 in 199 days. So I guess I'm getting married at 23. Just goes to show you, our plans aren't always God's plans. But my dad's stories encouraged me because even though I still feel a little young to be getting married, I guess when you know, you just know it's right. And it's right.

So now I'm going to go read this:
 And hopefully get a little inspiration for some upcoming posts (oh yeah, and for our wedding too!). Make sure you come back tomorrow, I have another cute proposal video for you! You will LOVE this one. I promise.

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