Saturday, October 23, 2010

#6: Social Network

J and I went to see The Social Network today. And we weren't even out of the theater before I was already on that bad?

I laughed out loud as soon as I typed "is that bad"...because it made me think of this. If you don't laugh out loud at Kristen Wig's character, there is something seriously wrong with you.

Ok, back to The Social Network. If you haven't seen this movie yet, you seriously need to! It was such an interesting story, so many things I had no idea about with regard to the start-up of Facebook. One of my favorite lines in the movie (it's in the previews, so I'm not revealing anything secret) is: "If you guys were the inventors of Facebook, you would have invented Facebook." I have no idea if Mark Zuckerberg is actually that witty in real life, but his character in the movie had me laughing quite often.

It's so crazy to think of how much technology is crucial to today's existence. Most kids these days have cell phones or smart phones and are always connected to their friends via texting and the internet. I, on the other hand, didn't own a cell phone until I was 18. I remember when Facebook started up and it was all the rage. Crazy to think that it's been 6+ years and it's still so popular. I feel like blogging has had its ups and downs with regard to popularity. Most company run blogs are doing fairly well and are frequently visited and/or followed, but personal blogs don't seem to stick around very long. Life has become too busy and unless blogging becomes a part of a daily routine, it goes by the wayside.

It's only the 6th post, and I've already almost forgotten to post a few times. Thankfully, J has reminded me to post everyday :) I think he just wants to see if I'm going to write about him. (Hi babe, love you!)

How has technology influenced your life? Could you live without Facebook?

Til tomorrow...


  1. :: You are a very good writer hams. I greatly enjoi reading this blog. If you ever forget to post I might cry. peace.

  2. Uh.. Kristin Wig's small hands were slightly disturbing.
    I think we could all live without Facebook. I mean, we used to :)
