Friday, October 22, 2010

#5: TGIF

Fridays make me happy. I don't get off any earlier from work, and sometimes I have to work Saturday mornings, but there is something about Fridays that I love. Maybe it reminds me of the word "fry" and I love french fries? I don't know, but it's magical.

Our wedding is 246 days away, which means I have about 35 more Fridays to enjoy in the Northern Virginia area. And while my Friday schedule might change once I move to Rich city, I'm sure my love for Fridays will remain the same.

I just reread the previous paragraph and had a slight panic attack. 35 Fridays means that in 35 short weeks I will be at my rehearsal/dinner. Time seems to have flown by: summer is gone, my birthday has passed, and we're entering the holiday season (hello holiday pounds!). My nephews and niece are bigger than they were (kids grow way too fast!), all talking up a storm and developing such sweet personalities. By the time our wedding rolls around, I can't even imagine how these three will interact as our ring bearers and flower girl. They'll steal the show, that's for darn sure.

Speaking of kids, is it just me or is everybody having kids now? Currently, I probably know at least a dozen people pregnant at the moment, with about 3-4 of them being close friends. So crazy! J and I have had the kids discussion and we're both (thankfully) on the same page. We both wants kids, just not anytime soon. We've waited 4 years to be together, so we want it to just be us for awhile. Of course, we know our plan isn't always part of God's plan, so we'll be thankful whenever we end up having kids.

Heading to visit J this weekend, so my next 2 posts will be from Rich city!

Til tomorrow...

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