Thursday, October 28, 2010

#11: Greedy, Greedy Little Bride and Groom

I could probably write a whole book on the topic of wedding registries. I would have chapters titled "Why You Really Need that $300 Stand Mixer," "Did You Really Put THAT On Your Registry?" and the nonchalant "Our 400 Item Registry List." Other chapters might include "What People Can Tell About You Just By Looking At Your Registry" and "Do You Really Think 16 People Will Eat Off Fine China In Your 2 Bedroom Apartment?"

I've always felt that a wedding is pretty much the only time in your life when it's acceptable to be greedy (within reason of course). People want to buy you presents for showers and your wedding, especially if you're just starting out. J and I practically own no furniture of our own. I recently wrote down a list of all the furniture we will need, including a bed (I don't have one and J sleeps in a twin), a dresser (again, I don't have one) and a complete living and dining room set.

On the other hand, I've been collecting kitchen supplies in my hope chest since I was 15 years old. It quickly spilled out of my hope chest and I now live among boxes of place settings, crystal platters, and other breakables. I have 8 storage bins full of smaller items like decorative pillows, candles, pitchers, assorted gadgets and knives from Pampered Chef and Cutco, and of course my prized chick flick collection. Needless to say, we still need a lot for our first place.

J and I were surprised by the number of different choices we had when we went to register. I had no idea there were so many toasters and coffee makers! I let J pick a lot of the items on our registry, and does that boy have good taste! (I, on the other hand, in my classiness, picked this out.) We share the same design/decor ideas: clean lines, minimal fuss, no clutter/knick-knacks and nothing girly! It makes it easy for me to pick out things when J isn't around, but I have a feeling our apartment will look more like a bachelor pad than a lovers' nest. And that's just fine by me.

Tell me (especially married people!): What is one thing that should go on a registry that you wouldn't normally think of? It can be something that was on yours, or something you wished you had put on it!

Side note: Just hit 500 views! Amazing :))


  1. Would you believe... I have that clock.
    I didn't buy it. But I have it :D

  2. I can't be of any help on your "must have" on a registry. But according to the TV ad, Miller Lite must be scanned as an item. (j/k) Tulip and I did a honeymoon registry as we both had everything we needed to furnish our home. -Ry

  3. just fyi... i have the ice shot glass makers.... :) this is why we are friends!
