Monday, January 31, 2011

#104: Bachelor

Just finished watching the Bachelor. I know, I know. Don't judge me. Sometimes I get sucked in. I'm not a die hard fan or anything, but I already know who the Bachelor ends up with this season (thanks to Reality Steve), so it's interesting to watch the show with this knowledge in my mind.

Anyways, watching the show tonight got me thinking. I always say the girls are stupid and I can't believe they're crying over this guy they literally met a few weeks ago. But then I have to think that they're also pretty brave. To think that you could actually find love on a reality tv show and to put your whole life on hold to pursue it is kind of a big thing. So kudos to the girls who actually go through with it. It takes some guts. That being said, I think this is the 17th or 18th season of the Bachelor/Bachelorette season and a whopping three couples have made it (one being Trista and Ryan, who are married, and Ali and Roberto, who haven't even hit the one year mark. And then there's Jason and Molly -- Bachelor fans know that Jason didn't pick Molly at the end, but changed his mind after the finale had aired, and asked her for a second chance). So the odds aren't looking good for them. But they still have faith that they could meet the love of their life. And who am I to judge?

I was thinking whether or not I could do it. Obviously, if I hadn't met J. I'm not sure I could, I'm just glad I don't have to. I already found the love of my life. And I thank God every single day for him. 145 days until he's my husband! :)

Sunday, January 30, 2011

#103: Counsel

Today, J and I met with the pastor that is going to marry us! We took him to Chipotle for lunch and he took some time to get to know us, our immediate family lineage, the story of how we met, and our church background. It was great to hear things about J that I didn't know before.

We also talked about church membership and we expressed how we felt at home at Redemption Hill. We discussed what had happened at other churches we had attended and how we ended up at Redemption Hill. It was interesting and enlightening to talk to a pastor to get his take on certain situations.

We are very excited to pursue our pre-marital counseling sessions and I look forward to growing even closer to J during the process!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

#102: Duck what?

I'm currently cuddled up on the couch with my adorable dozing and subsequently snoring fiance. He must be so tired from duck pin bowling. We took two of the three Meltons duckpin bowling as their Christmas present and it was so much fun! My grandpa was a professional duckpin bowler back in the day and I think some of his talent must have rubbed off on me. I had a pretty respectable score of 72 the first game, coming in second to J's 81. Not too shabby. My second game improved to 81, coming in second to Beth's 82 (so close!). I FINALLY won the third game with the night's high score of 89! I couldn't believe it :) such a fun night with our little Richmond family :) so grateful for such a sweet and loving support system here.

#101: Please Vote!!

Dear readers and friends,

J and I entered a Valentine's Day themed photo contest held by Sweet Root Village. Two of my beautiful, talented friends co-founded this company! Whoever receives the most "likes" on their photo in this album wins a free photo session! You all know how much J and I love ourselves (haha...that's supposed to be a joke), so we'd love to win this session! Please, please "like" our photo!


ps: here's the direct link to our photo:
pps: please completely disregard the fact that this post is 11 minutes past its due date. much appreciated :)

Thursday, January 27, 2011

#100: Triple Digits!!

The snow cannot stop me! Especially not since today is the third Two-a-Day Thursday! I cannot believe I am in the triple digits now! I wanted to do something big and grand for my 100th post, but I think the big milestones get all the celebration and the odd numbered ones don't, so make sure you watch for an odd numbered celebratory post :)

Today I want to tell you a little story about a little cakery. I went to this cakery on January 15 to have a tasting and to hash out details of what I wanted my cake to look like (we still are not sold on getting a cake, but we're looking at prices and whether or not they're able to do the exact design I want). I opened up their look book and noticed about 34 of the SAME, EXACT cake. Everything was three tier, white buttercream frosted with hideous look flowers. The head baker told us, "We don't do fondant, we don't do square cakes, and we don't do flavored frosting." Umm, I'm sorry, what?! I had a hunch right then and there that I didn't want to do business with them. Please recall my top three cake designs from this post.

I showed them my top design (it's a secret!) and they told me I'd have to email the owner to get his approval because it's not a design they could easily approve themselves. So I shot off an email with a picture to the owner's email while I was still in the shop.

On January 25, ten days later, I still had not heard back from them. I was a little upset, seeing as how I was told I would know by January 20th at the latest. I sent another email and received two responses. One, the head baker called me and informed me that she had been sick and out of the shop and would let me know by Thursday (as in, one week later than she had originally told me) and two, an email response from the owner telling me that "this is the first email we got. I'll look at the picture and let you know by Friday."

Well, you know what buddy? I'm not cool with that. I have an email in my outbox, so it DID get sent to you and I'm also not sure why it takes three days to look at a picture and say yes or no. I am extremely disappointed with their (lack of) customer service and I certainly intend to tell them so.

On a lighter note, I emailed a second bakery (recommended by one of my amazing bridesmaids) and asked them if they were able to do the design. I got a response within two hours with a very upbeat sounding affirmative answer and a few suggestions of what we could do flavor-wise. I am so happy that they are able to do it and I'm sure I'll be setting up a consult with them in the next couple of weeks.

So, advice to future brides: if you get a gut feeling you shouldn't do business with someone, then you're probably right. Just walk away!

#99: Snow Day

As you probably already know, I hate winter. I don't like the cold, and I certainly don't like the snow. I do, however, like wearing knee high boots and cute scarfs.  But I think I could still pull that off on the West Coast. Which is where I'd like to be right now. We finally got our power back about 90 minutes ago, after a very long and cold 18 hours without it. No electricity = no tv, no internet, no hot chocolate and no heat. My bedtime routine was a little different last night, as I brushed my teeth in icy cold water (in the dark) and made my way to my bedroom with a flashlight. It then took probably an extra five minutes just to pile on all the quilts I had brought to my bed. But I slept pretty soundly (and warmly) and only woke up once (God only knows what time it was, seeing as how I had no clock and I had turned my phone off to save the battery. It was still dark though, so I'm assuming it was my regular 4am wake up in the middle of the night time.).

Upon rising at a very late 8am, I discovered there was still no power and the house was very, very chilly. My mom started a fire in the fireplace (I don't think we've had one in there in over 2 years because of the safety hazards with two little ones running around) and I curled up on the couch with two quilts and a book. My parents managed to clean off my sister's car (since my parents couldn't get my mom's SUV out of the garage because of the power outage) and then went off to McDonald's to get us all a nice warm breakfast. I had them bring me a hot chocolate and it somewhat thawed me out.

I pretty much spent the rest of the day in the chair closest to the fireplace and a certain Little Monster spent most of the day in my lap. In his pjs. The kid loves his pjs. Here's a little snapshot of what our day looked like. Notice these things:

1. How quiet it is in the background.
2. LM's entrancement with the fire.
3. How he kisses my finger (which is holding my iPhone) at the end of the video.

How did you spend your snow day? Did you even get a snow day? Did you lose power too?

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

#98: Snowpocalypse

Just as I was about to head to my computer to write today's post, our power went out. So here's my post for today. Snow sucks.

Tomorrow, I'll tell you ALL about my fun with a certain Cakery. Til then, don't get on the roads if you're in the NOVA area!!!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

#97: holy crap

5 months to go!!!! I cannot believe how quickly the last 13 months have flown past! All three of our nephews and nieces have turned either one or two and are all quickly approaching their next birthdays (which I'm hoping will translate into a little cooperation come June 25th!) and are developing their own amazing and interesting personalities. J has started his last semester of undergrad (thank God for that). I bought a wedding dress...a WEDDING DRESS. It sounds so crazy to me. I have purchased things for what will be our first home together and also marking us becoming responsible and mature adults (hahaha).

It seems so surreal to me that in 5 short months, I will no longer live with my parents. I've never gone more than a day without talking to either parent and I don't think I've gone more than two or three weeks without seeing them. So it kind of (ok, really) makes me sad to think I won't be living with them anymore. They've given so much over the past 23 years and the most important thing they've given me is their unconditional love and support. They've given me so much wisdom and advice. We laugh so much together (usually because I'm being ridiculously hyper and they can't believe I came from them) and they've always had my best interests at heart. I've bonded with my dad over basketball and trains and with my mom over shopping and Restaurant Story (I made fun of her for playing it when she first got her iPhone and less than four months after getting mine, I'm addicted to it) and so much more. They have been so supportive of mine and J's relationship: through our ups and downs, and especially when J was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in February 2008.

For those of you who don't know, my dad and brother both have type 1 diabetes, so I've dealt with it for as long as I can remember. I also remember telling myself that I could never marry someone with a life long illness. My plan was to find somebody perfectly healthy, settle down, get married and have perfectly healthy babies. Enter J. He was perfectly healthy (as far as we both knew) when we met and began dating. And less than a year into our relationship, God gave me the sign that He sometimes (if not always) has a different plan for my life than I do. I know J thought I'd get as far away from him as possible because of his diagnosis (and trust me, I thought about it), but I just knew even more at that moment, that we were meant to be together. Who better to be married to than a girl who knows A LOT about the illness you were just diagnosed with? We truly are a match made in heaven. And even though, with J being diabetic and me being a carrier, our kids have a 75% chance of being diabetic, I know that we will take whatever comes our way head on. Together. Ya know...if we ever decide to have kids ;)

So, in conclusion (haha sounds like the end of a lot of my early college papers), I would just like to say: I have learned a lot from my parents over the last 23 years and I hope to learn just as much from J (like the patience and gentleness things he's got going on) for the next 23+ years. Oh, and thanks for reading my short novel. Don't judge me if there's typos, I'm on my iPhone and I'll fix them tomorrow :)

Monday, January 24, 2011

#96: Feeling Better!

Ah, thank you NyQuil for making my dreams come true. Or at least for making me dream! I can't believe it but I slept for 7 straight hours last night! I awoke so refreshed, although still not 100%, I even had the energy to make pancakes for Little Monster this morning :))

I still have a little congestion going on, but I think I'll be good to go after one more night of good sleep!

In other news, we found the ties for the guys to wear and J ordered them! I hope they come in before I get to Richmond on Saturday so I can see them in person. I'm not showing you or telling you what they look like, but I will say this. They were two buckaroos. Two dollars. Two smackerels. Two McChickens. Two Sweet Teas from McD's. Two. That's it. I knew immediately when I saw them that they were it! They fit our color scheme perfectly and are going to help the guys look great (yeah, they need just a tad bit of help...J excluded?)!!

It feels good to get stuff checked off the list, but we've still got A LOT of stuff to get done.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

#95: Work it Out

Don't tell Jillian, but I skipped my workout yesterday. I could barely breathe and my body was so tired. I did, however, manage to work it out today! I wasn't 100%, but I did it. Today I kinda took it easy the rest of the day. A lot of dozing and tv watching, but I'm still very congested and beyond exhausted. Here's hoping for some good sleep...hopefully more than the average four hours I've been getting.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

#94: Sick as a Dog

Is that even the expression? I don't even know at this point. I am so sick. What started as simple sinus congestion earlier this week has turned into a full head cold, complete with a cough and extreme dizziness and fatigue. What a perfect way to spend my weekend...NOT! I'm glad I was able get most of my errands out of the way earlier today. Went to Kohl's to pay off my credit card and spend my kohls cash ($1.04 for a pair of skinny jeans? Yes please!), went to the mall to stock up on my favorite hand soaps from Bath and Body Works, and CVS to pick up a prescription. Phew.

Now I'm laying in bed, fully clothed, watching Color Splash on HGTV. I have turned into my mother.

Friday, January 21, 2011

#93: GO SUNS!!

Just watched my Phoenix Suns play the Washington Wizards for the fifth year in a row. I made sure I wore my Nash shirt and of course, accessorized it with black skinny jeans and black knee high boots :))

If you're wondering who won, you are no friend of mine! Of course, the Suns won for the fifth year in a row. I'd like to think it's me being there that helps them win. The game started off a little rough for my boys. We (yes, we) didn't get the lead until the second half! It was definitely a nail biting first half. We were down by 11 after the first quarter, but only down by one at the half.

The second half was very eventful! There were some amazing slam dunks and some gasp inducing blocks from both teams. I actually have some favorites from the Wizards: John Wall and Nick Young. Those are two very talented players right there. As Senator John McCain said (yeah, he was hanging out with us at the Verizon Center tonight, and of course rooting for the Suns! He said he usually roots for the Wizards, except for when they play the Suns), "John Wall is like a young Steve Nash. Really talented guy." Oh yeah.

Steve Nash's understudy, Goran Dragic, did a great job finishing out the game. It's obvious he's been following Nash's lead. He gets the ball moving (man, that kid can RUN!) and keeps it moving, like old school Suns style, before we lost half our players to other teams because of trades. I miss my old team, but the new Suns have a lot of promise. Channing Frye was amazing tonight! Or as Steve Nash tweeted (don't judge me because I follow him on Twitter): "Channing Frye en fuego." He was shooting off threes left and right. So great.

I'm sure you're probably tired of hearing me go on and on, so here's a few pictures!
The view from our seats (zoomed in)! About 50-60 feet from the Suns bench.

The real view from our seats. These were better (and cheaper!) seats than we got last year.

Suns' players! I'm pretty sure I was just trying to get a picture of Steve

The guys going into the locker room at halftime.

A happy happy Suns fan (in my Nash shirt!) :))

Hope you guys have a great weekend!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

#92: No Clever Title for This One...

Sorry for my lack of a clever title. My brain is not functioning at its highest level today.

Had to revert back to level one for my workout this morning. I barely got any sleep (again) last night and my sinuses feel like they are on fire. Not sure if it's the start of a cold or a sinus infection or what, but all I know is that I did NOT want to get out of bed this morning.

Had a playdate for Little Monster and his future wife. The last time they played together, he made her cry and then he had a meltdown of his own. I was hoping and praying today would be different...and it was!! No major meltdowns and they played together for about three and a half hours :) At one point, Little Monster climbed up on the couch with FW and covered her up with a blanket. Melted my heart. So of course, I had to take pictures for their save-the-dates.

Watching part two of the American Idol premiere tonight. Really looking forward to seeing more of Steven Tyler and Jennifer Lopez. I re-watched part of the show last night with my parents when they got home and my dad said he was really impressed with J. Lo. Simon's probably crying because I'm pretty sure it's getting rave reviews this season.

Working the morning/early afternoon shift tomorrow because I'm going to the Wizards/Suns game tomorrow night with my daddy! So excited. This will be our fifth year in a row of going to this game. I've got my Suns shirt out and ready to go!

#91: OOTD

In case you were wondering, OOTD stands for "Outfit of the Day." I went to get dressed for work the other day and put on one of my favorite skirts from Kohl's. Pretty sure I got it on sale (don't I always) AND it has pockets, so double points for that purchase. I usually pair it with a black camisole tucked in and a cardigan, but that day I was freezing to death (not literally, although sometimes it feels like it!), so I paired it with a warm 3/4 length knit sweater that J bought me for my birthday last year. He has such great taste in clothing! I am never disappointed with his purchases.

This was one outfit that I was truly proud of myself for creating. I paired it with gray tights (a really dark, dark gray) and my black knee high boots (like the brown ones in this post). And, as was the point, I was warm all day.  Tell me what you think!! Oh, and please excuse the dirty bathroom background.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

#90: Idol

Watching American Idol.
Some of these people can't sing.
But some of them REALLY can.
Jennifer Lopez and Steven Tyler are pretty good as judges too.
Not missing Simon too much this season.
I'm sure J is just happy I'm watching this and not The Bachelor.
I'm just happy tomorrow is Thursday.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

#89: "I Hate You"

I literally said that out loud today. To a person I've never met before. To a person that's made me hurt so much over the past 12 days. To Jillian Michaels.

18 more days to go. And then I will thank her.

Anybody else working out? Doing the 30 day shred? Let's commiserate together :)

Monday, January 17, 2011

#88: Yo

Taught my nephew some cool moves. I'm the best aunt in the world.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

#87: Sunday Funday

Went to church

Had lunch with my family :)

Went to David's Bridal and ordered my mom's dress, found a cute dress for my bachelorette party and got a purse for mom. And I spent a whopping $3.05. Thanks to the $250 gift certificate I got. I wrote a review of my wedding gown and I apparently won a contest, so they sent me the check. I heart free money :))

Went to the Lorton Workhouse (formerly the Lorton prison, but now it's an art gallery and classrooms!) to see mom's painting in the new show. So proud of my mom :))
Bought J's wedding band!!! We found a style he liked a few weeks ago and I got online the other day and noticed it was on sale! I also had a 15% off coupon that I could only use in store. So I headed there today and bought it. So stinkin' happy. I texted J and said, "all we need is a marriage license and we can get married!!"

Only 160 days to go :))

Saturday, January 15, 2011

#86: Donezo

Got a lot done today:

-four of my six beautiful bridesmaids have ordered and/or received their dresses. I am so grateful for all of my girls and they are going to look super fly standing next to me :)
-found mom's dress! So happy! Forgot my gift certificate at home, so I'll be going back tomorrow to place the order and also see about finding her some shoes as well!
-found a possible dress for my bachelorette party! Going to try it on when I head back to david's bridal tomorrow.
-met with a possible cake baker. Didn't have a good feeling upon leaving. Had to send a photo of my favorite to see if he'll agree to let his head baker make it. Interesting. Should know by Thursday. Then we'll go from there, I guess.
-had an AMAZING dinner with my two A bridesmaids. Love these girls like crazy. So much good food (and of course lots of over the table dish sharing) and lots of laughs. And I successfully drove and parallel parked in DC. And A only asked me how I got my license once...progress.
-video chatted with J for the second time in two days! Lucky me :) I think once we are married, we should still video chat.

All that, and there's a whole second day of the weekend tomorrow. Ready for a little relaxation and magazine reading now :)

Friday, January 14, 2011

#85: Itinerary

Today has been such a busy day! And tomorrow will be even busier!

Today consisted of:
-hanging out with Little Monster
-coffee with an old friend who moved to Texas and was only here for one day
-video chat with J :)

Tomorrow consists of:
-breakfast with mom
-bridesmaid dress trying on with 3 of my 6 beautiful girls!
-hopefully finding my mom's dress at the same time
-cake consultation/tasting (really just going to eat some free cake and find out pricing)
-friend's grad party
-dinner with two of my best girls at Oya (probably going to be the fanciest place I've ever been in my life)
-maybe making it out for part two of friend's grad party

Let's see if I can even make it past my workout tomorrow...I'm going to start calling it QT (Quality Time) with Jillian. Maybe that will make it more enjoyable...but I doubt it.

PS: Lists are so much easier to write than complete sentences...maybe I'll switch to that. And you know how I love lists...

Thursday, January 13, 2011

#84: Poll

I'm not a fan of winter. That's for sure.

What is your least favorite part about winter?
The snow and cold
No laying out at the beach
Not being able to wear flip-flops everyday
Winter means holidays, which means family...
Lack of sun and vitamin D free polls

#83: Honeymoon!!!!

It's official! We have booked our resort AND our flights to Cancun :) So excited for eight sunny, glorious days in Mexico with my husband!

In 166 days, we will be here:

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

#82: Case Study

I think it's about time for another case study. This time, I chose a super suave, chic wedding that I literally died upon seeing. I was then raised from the dead. Ok, not really. But I did drool a lot. I have no idea how those are even closely related...but I digress. As usual.

I love the black/white combo. Our bedroom's color scheme is black, white and gray for a reason, people. I love the crispness of a bold black and the cleanness of a nice white.  Putting these two colors together just seems natural. I've seen my fair share of black and white weddings (both in real life and through various websites), but I've never seen such a classy, elegant BROWN and white wedding as this one.

You don't have to scroll very far down the page to see what is so absolutely amazing about this wedding. In typical case study form, I'll split my thoughts into two lists. The first being what I love and the second being what I don't like or what I would change.

1. The bride's lack of a necklace. I am so glad she decided not to wear one because I feel that it would have taken away from the gorgeousness of the dress. Pretty earrings complete the package on this one. Which, by the way, were a present from her husband. Love it.
2. The flowy drapes and flowers for the ceremony site. Drool.
3. Monogram on a cake? Yes, please! This is a super sophisticated cake and I think adding the monogram was the perfect touch. In my opinion, I think there could have been a few more flowers on the cake itself.
4. The lounge. I love when brides do a lounge at their weddings. And I love white furniture. Perfect.

1. Bride's bouquet: I feel like it looks super flat on top. I would have gone with flowers a little bigger and with some depth, like maybe a peony or a rose.
2. Centerpieces: I love all the flowers and the quantity of vases of flowers on each table, however, I thought they were all a little low. I love to play up the height thing, mixing tall centerpieces with short ones to constantly draw your eyes elsewhere, from table to table. 
3. The cake table. I would loved to have seen the cake table with less flowers at the base of the cake. I feel like they really detracted from the crisp, clean lines of the cake. Maybe an antique silver cake plateau would have worked well.

What do you like/dislike about this wedding? Do you like the not-used-often-enough combo of white and brown, instead of black?

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

#81: Day 5

Just finished day five of the 30 Day Shred. Which means I am supposedly halfway through the Level 1 workout. I have noticed a little change in my endurance, especially with push-ups! I think I, five (maybe?) on day 1 and today I probably pumped out more than 20. The side lunges and anterior hand (shoulder) raises still really get me.

I've tried to couple this workout with healthier eating. This will be much easier now that all the no bake cookies I made Friday night are gone. I'm trying to eat more fruit and just eat smaller portions in general.

Can't wait to see the results in 25 more days :)

Monday, January 10, 2011

#80: Bought Some Shoes

I did it. I FINALLY replaced my black pumps. If you read this post, you'll remember that I had to get rid of them after about five years of solid companionship. I've tried on multiple pairs of would-be replacements, only to be let down by one thing or another with them.

Until these:

I was out casually shopping with my mom at Kohl's a couple days after Christmas and came across those. I tried them on and fell in love. The price tag said $49.99, but I had a feeling they were on sale. Went over to the little price scanner thing and voila, they were only $29.99! Can't beat that :)

I've worn them five times already. It's love. Too bad my shoe shelves are filled to the brim...

Sunday, January 9, 2011

#79: Mission Accomplished!

Feeling so accomplished today! J came home for the weekend and I dragged him to Pier 1 Imports because I was in need of a little design inspiration and also wanted to see if they had any leftover Christmas stuff on sale. After perusing the store and not really finding anything of interest (besides these cool little white ceramic balls with letters, numbers and symbols in black on them. Went to buy a j, an e, a g and an ampersand, only to find no j. Sad face), we headed over to the mall to see if we could price out some suits for J to wear for the wedding. We tried JCPenney and Macy's to no avail. Apparently, a light khaki linen suit is not as common as I had assumed it to be. My bad. I felt pretty defeated.

Well, today after church and lunch with J, my sister and Little Monster, J suggested a quick trip to Kohl's just to pass some time. Lo and behold, there were Chaps suit separates on sale for buy one, get one free. And if you've ever bought a suit, you know how expensive they can be!! Not only were they on sale, they also miraculously had J's exact sizes!!! I opened a Kohl's credit card (I had been wanting to do that for awhile) and saved an additional 15%! I was so happy to cross that off my list! Now I know the bride and groom will be looking goooood at our wedding :)

This coming weekend we are taking care of bridesmaid's and my mom's dresses. Three of my girls and my mom and I are going to David's Bridal to try on dresses. After I bought my dress back in September, I went online and wrote a review for it. That little ditty won me a $250 gift certificate to David's Bridal. I'm going to use it to by my momma a fabulous dress :) It's going to be so much fun!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

#78: Snow Day

As I sit here at work drinking my extra hot, one Splenda, sugar free vanilla latte, I'm also looking outside at the snow! It is coming down out there! When I woke up this morning and looked outside, I thought the snow was done and all we were getting was a dusting. I was still glad I parked in the garage though! My parents are out of town this weekend and no one else in my family had to work this morning, so I decided to be lazy (or genius?) and park in the garage so I wouldn't have to brush off my car before work. Score! But when I opened the garage door this morning, the snow was really coming down! I couldn't believe it! I think it's subsiding now, which is good, because J is on his way home for the weekend!

It's only been five days since we last saw each other, but we are super pathetic. I have a feeling this is going to be the hardest semester since J went away to school in the Fall of 2008. It's killing us. But then I remember all the servicemen and women who are away from their family, sometimes without any communication, for months and months at a time. And it's then that I feel extremely grateful and blessed to be able to freely communicate with Josh and know he's safe at all times. I am seriously and ridiculously blessed.

Not to be random, but my shoulder hurts. I started the 30 Day Shred workout that I mentioned here. 20 minutes with only a mat, 3 pound hand weights, and Jillian Michaels on DVD. For 30 days. I think I can do it. My boss informed me I'll be more sore after 48 hours (rather than the initial 24), so I have to keep up with it and work through the soreness, making sure I continue stretching and drinking lots of water. Can't wait to see the end results! My biggest issue with any workout though (and the success with which I complete it), is carving out the time for it every day. My schedule with babysitting Little Monster is a little different every day, and sometimes I make plans for after work and get home late. I'm going to make this exercise a priority though, for my overall health and well-being.

Have a happy weekend!

Friday, January 7, 2011

#77: Hair

I love how fast my hair grows. I decided to do a little comparison to the day I cut eleven inches off my hair (12.31.09) and New Year's Day (2011). Here you go!

It's crazy what a difference a year can make :) Can't wait to see how much more it grows between now and the wedding!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

#76: Celebrate Good Times, Come On!

I love lists, you know that. Or at least you should by now! Another thing I love is celebrating the anniversary of special dates. J loves doing this too! We celebrate our dating anniversary (May 9), our first kiss anniversary (December 20) and this year we got to celebrate our engagement anniversary! We wanted to go out on New Years Eve, but J had to work at 5am on New Years Day, and we technically didn't get engaged until 12:15am on New Years Day, so we decided to wait until then to celebrate that anniversary. A big thanks to the Melton family for the very generous gift card to The Melting Pot and for no advanced notice of the massive food coma we endured after our four course meal.

And because you know how much I love taking pictures (and how much I love food...), here is a picture representation of our night. Complete with commentary. I know you love my commentary!

 I couldn't decide whether I liked this picture...
 ...or this one, so you get both :) Aren't we cute together? I think so.
 Oh hey handsome!
 The flash was a bit much, so we decided to go with the red romantic light from the restaurant :)
 Leaning in so I could get a better view!
 Me again...sorry...
 Aaah, the food! I didn't think to get a picture of our AMAZING cheese fondue or the delectable salad (with...get this...Parmesan crusted pine nuts. So delicious. I died.)
 How we felt after full...
 Clean plate club :)
 Mmm...chocolate fondue with flambéed marshmallows.
 We made quick work of the pound cake, cheesecake, bananas, graham cracker coated marshmallows and oreo crusted marshmallows and brownies. And strawberries, of course. So we asked for more strawberries...
 Finished! We rolled outta there (literally) after a nice three hour long dinner. So lovely :)

Have you been to The Melting Pot before? What did you think?

#75: Ice, Ice Baby

 Welcome to the first ever 2-A-Day Thursday!! In order to still meet my 250 post goal, I need to get caught up. So for the next five (or six...not sure how far behind I am) Thursdays, I'll be posting two posts! Lucky you :)  So without further ado, here's today's first post!

The day after Christmas, we went to see ICE! with J's family.  It was held inside a super gigundo tent outside the Gaylord National Hotel at Washington National Harbor. It was mine and J's first time over there and I can't wait to go back to the Harbor when the weather warms up.  ICE! was so awesome...but so cold. Only nine degrees inside!!! This year's theme was "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" and we loved it! We even went down an ice slide...priceless.

Here are some pictures from our adventure :)

Did you see ICE? If so, what did you think? We're definitely planning on going back next year :)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

#74: New Years' Resolutions

I don't typically do resolutions because, quite frankly, they never come to fruition. Plainly stated, I can never keep them up. Last year, I swore I would never drink another soda. I ended up making good on that...only until March though. So this year, I thought I'd make a list of all the things I'd like to accomplish in 2011, instead of setting one never-gonna-happen goal...This list is separate than the wedding list I have 171 days to complete. Luckily, there's only 148 things on it. Easy peezy. So here are 20 non-wedding-related goals for 2011:

1. Get in shape.  I'm not trying to lose weight, but I would definitely like to tone up. I'm planning on doing Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred. Hopefully buying it and trying it out tomorrow.
2. Cherish the time I have left at home with my family. There's been eight of us living in the house for awhile and I have a strange feeling I might actually miss the chaos when it's just J and I living together.
3. Drink more water. Enough said.
4. Get outside more.  This might have to wait until March-ish. I like to take walks around the block in the summer time, but I'd like to be even more active this year. Maybe some bike riding and/or hiking...yes, I said hiking. Don't have a heart attack.
5. Eat less cookies and processed foods.
6. Get more sleep.  This means putting down Angry Birds/turning off Millionaire Matchmaker and going to bed earlier. Just kidding, that was only last night. I usually have trouble shutting my mind and my to-do list off, so I need to start trying to do that earlier so I'm relaxed before I go to bed.
7. Clean more often and on a regular schedule. I'd like to have a certain day set aside each week to clean the bathrooms, wash sheets and towels and vacuum. The sooner I get into a habit, the easier it will be to keep it up.
8. Learn how to sew. I have a pile of clothes that need to be fixed/altered/hemmed and at least five pillows to make for our apartment.
9. Learn how to relax...preferably before our eight day trip to Cancun!
10. Find a new job in Richmond. This is kind of a big one...
11. Learn how to navigate one way streets in a big city. I always get turned around in Richmond! So aggravating.
12. Pay off my car loan.  The current balance is under $3000 now! If I pay it off this year, I will have paid it off in 3 years, which is not too shabby for a 5 year loan...
13. Plan our June 2012 trip to San Diego!!!!  I cannot WAIT to get J out to the west coast for the first time!
14. Listen better...especially when J is talking...
15. Pack up every single thing I own and move two hours away. Sounds easy enough right?
16. Get hitched. Woot.
17. Make new friends in Richmond. I have a couple already, thanks to J having married friends :)
18. Become more active in church. I've only been to our church in Richmond a couple of times, but I love it and can't wait to get involved. 
19. Learn how to cook more than just Mac and cheese, or spaghetti, or heating up something out of a bag...
20. Successfully entertain friends in our apartment for the weekend and not just for dinner.

Did you make a New Years' resolution? Or are you like me? Did you set a couple of goals instead?

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

#73: Guest Blogging

I've already raved about our wedding photographers, Peter Davis and his beautiful wife Sarah, and briefly told you how we found them.  My friends that got married on the same night we got engaged highly recommended the Davis' to us. On New Year's Eve this year, their one year anniversary, Peter had them guest blog and comment on some of their favorite images that Peter and Sarah captured on their wedding day. I would love for you to see them, so check their post out here!

Anybody wanna guest blog for me sometime? If you're interested, leave me a note in the comments!

Monday, January 3, 2011

#72: After Christmas Sales

I did it. I braved the wind and snow on Sunday, December 26th to do some after Christmas shopping. The main priority of my trip to Target was to find a cheap Christmas tree, but I encountered lots of lovely little things along the way...that went into my cart.

1. Table runner: I really wanted to buy a cute Christmas tablecloth, but there were two problems with this idea. One, I have no idea how big or what shape my dining room table will be. And two, the only tablecloths they had left were 60"x120"...which are large enough for my mom's eight person dining table. Pretty sure ours will only seat four. So I settled for a runner. And I love this one!

2. Green chargers: I thought these would be awesome to spruce up my holiday table! They'll go well with my red table runner (I really like the red/green combo for Christmas). And on sale for $2.50 for four of them, I couldn't pass them up!

3. Silver chargers: For the same price, I decided to get the silver chargers as well...they'll work well for other times of the year :)

4. Gift wrap/gift bags: If you've known me for any length of time, you'd know that I used to work at Hallmark. It was my first job and I worked there for five years (overlapping with the current job I have now for about a year). I absolutely LOVED working there and I stockpiled tons of gift wrap over those five years. Unfortunately, my supply has quickly dwindled and I found myself with only five half-rolls left after Christmas this year. So I decided to stock up on four megarolls (larger than usual roll wrap), all in bold red and white prints. Can't wait to use them next year!

5. Now, I wish I could take the credit for finding our Christmas tree, but I cannot. All the credit goes to J. Not only did he find us an awesome tree, but he bought it for $13.13 (including tax). If you see here, 13 is my favorite number. So it's no coincidence that this tree was meant for us!

Did you score any awesome deals after Christmas?