In honor of Thanksgiving, I'd like to share some things I'm thankful for. Some are serious and some are silly, but hopefully you should be able to distinguish the difference. And as always, it's in list form:
1. My amazing fiancé: my rock, my best friend and love of my life.
2. My amazing mom, who has been my best friend. She has always been there for me, teaching me everything I need to know about being a good wife, a good mom, and a good friend. I will never be able to repay her.
3. My pops. Love this guy so much. He's always been there when I need to talk. He keeps me updated on the sports stuff I need to know. And we laugh so much it should be illegal. Not even kidding. It's not a full day until my dad has tears in his eyes from laughing so hard.
4. My siblings. Too many stories have been made over the past 23 years, it would take me forever to share. But I will say this: thanks for breaking my bed, sister and thanks for eating the pie, brother.
5. My sister in law and sister in law to be: I didn't get to choose you, but I'm sure darn happy you're in my life!
6. My future in laws: thanks for welcoming me into your family. I can't wait to share and make many memories with you!
7. My two adorable nephews and beautiful niece: You three bring me so much joy and laughter!
8. Mrs. Cubbison's cornbread stuffing. No joke. I have had this stuffing every year since I was born, except for one year. My mom tells the story every year, about the one year she made a different kind of stuffing and none of us touched it because it didn't smell right. Oh, and did I mention they don't sell this stuff in Virginia?

(yes, I attached a picture)
9. My fat cat, Tabby. I love you even though you have scratched the crap out of me and hissed at me an uncountable amount of times since we got you back in 2000.
10. My loving and giving and talented friends. I wouldn't be where I am today without my friends by my side. Thank you for including me in your lives!
11. Target. Yes, I'm thankful for this store. I could literally not live without it. And yes, I know. My siblings both work for Wal-Mart. No bigs. They love me still.
12. My third momma, Beth: You are amazing, hands down. J and I couldn't have survived the past three years if not for you opening up your home to us. Thanks for all the meals and talks and hugs!
13. Shoes. 'Nuff said. Picture attached.
14. The comforts of home. I am so grateful to have a roof over my head, food to eat, and a family that loves me even though I drive them absolutely nuts with my OCD and my ADD and my MBJ (makes bad jokes).
15. Our servicemen and women: You are the reason we can live in the land of the free and the home of the brave. My gratitude cannot be fully put into words, it is too great. The sacrifice you make for people like me is astounding and I wish you all safety and happiness.
16. Families and loved ones of our servicemen and women: You make a huge sacrifice and it is to be commended. I respect each and every one of you and pray for safety over your families when your loved ones are overseas.
17. My car, Darth Vapor: You have been worth every single dollar I have shelled out for you. Thanks for being reliable and getting me to work, to play, to Richmond and every other city you've taken me to. Please last for like, a full decade, because I can't afford a sibling for you right now.
18. Laughter: it really IS the best medicine.
19. Birthdays: I recently celebrated my 23rd birthday and J's 24th is coming up in a couple weeks. I am so thankful I've been around this long, healthy, to experience everything God has for me.
20. The thing I'm most thankful for this Thanksgiving, and really every day, is God's sacrifice on the cross for all of us. His mercy and grace are very evident in my life and for that, I am most thankful.
I hope all of you have a wonderful and safe and belly-filling Thanksgiving! xo
Blogging from the road tomorrow! Stay tuned! You might even get a video treat! :)